I've been playing Mortenebra a while now, and it pains me to admit, that my games are simply to close for comfort. I've been having fun when playing Mortenebra, but every game is a mad scramble for the win, and praying that my opponent makes a mistake. When I'm running Terminus it's clear sailing, and if I can keep my mind on the objectives, I'll be in good shape.
My motivation for painting is also virtually non-existent at the moment, so I could really use an army that features more models that are already painted. With the Talos Pain engine kit still pretty much intact, I'm considering making myself a new Terminus model, and bringing a Terminus/Scaverous lineup. It's a finesse caster, with seven million different tricks up his sleeve, or Lich Lord Freight Train, ramming his army down your gullet. In addition they're both able to camp, and I like casters that can make it through some tough rounds.
Lich Lord Terminus
- Reaper*
- Reaper
- Skarlock Thrall*
Bane Thralls (Leader and 9 Grunts)
- Bane Thrall Officer & Standard*
Bane Thralls (Leader and 5 Grunts)*
Bile Thralls (Leader and 5 Grunts)*
The Withershadow Combine*
Bane Lord Tartarus
Darragh Wrathe*
Madelyn Corbeau*
Saxon Orrik** are fully painted, and in a pinch I have a backup painted Tartarus though he looks like a burning Christmas tree. That leaves me a paint que of one Reaper, 10 Bane Thralls, and a dismounted Darragh Wrathe. Combined with the things I'm missing in my Scaverous army, this puts me at a grand total of 18 models without paint. If I decide to make new Terminus model, that will need to be added of course, and I still have a few points left in my Scaverous army I don't know what to do with.
- Terminus; will be done last; can be done in one night.
- Scaverous; can be done in one night.
- Reaper; can be done in one night.
- Bane Thrall unit [10]; can be done in two nights, since I have an easy scheme, and I did it
- Bloodgorgers [4] ; can be done in one night.
- Darragh Wrathe [1]; dismounted, can be done in one night.
- Ragman [1]; can be done in one night.
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