
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Scaverous, take two...

With my Terminus army locked in, it's time to tweak my Scaverous list. I usually find myself hard pressed against horde lists, since I'm a lot less familiar with the mechanics behind Fury and transfers, and with no time left to learn, I figure I need to bring a list that can cover my lack of familiarity. This is what I began working from...

Lord Exhumator Scaverous
- Deathripper
- Deathripper
- Malice 
- Skarlock Thrall
Bloodgorgers (Leader and 9 Grunts)
Croe's Cutthroats (Croe and 9 Grunts)
The Withershadow Combine
General Gerlak Slaughterborn
Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile
Saxon Orrik
Gorman di Wulfe 

It just feels "wrong", but it's fairly small at 34 models, and packs a hefty punch against living models. It does have a few tricks against Warmachine armies as well, but I'm conflicted about several parts of the army. I feel my Focus economy is stressed, I'm lacking Bile Thralls, and I'm strongly considering removing Malice. If I do, I will limit myself to attrition, and that sucks badly...

The list does pack a surprising amount of shooting. The Skarlock, Croe's, WSC, Dougal, and Saxon can all pour out some ranged attacks, giving me a potential 19 ranged attacks per round. Madelyn and Telekinesis, will allow Slaughterborn to hide waaay behind the army, and still get a chain going. I'm also lacking a way to negate tough, which is pretty lousy since there's bound to be plenty of Trollblood lists at the masters, so perhaps it's time to rethink the list.

Lord Exhumator Scaverous
- Deathripper
- Deathripper
- Skarlock Thrall 
Bloodgorgers (Leader and 9 Grunts)
The Withershadow Combine
General Gerlak Slaughterborn
Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan
The Ragman
Saxon Orrik 

That's a solid core, and leaves 23 points to play around with. With Madelyn & Telekinesis, I can get Slaughterborn up to 17" threat without activating Scaverous, and if I can pull a target closer he can reach 19" threat. Saxon Orrik handles terrain, and the Ragman increases PS to acceptable levels for the Bloodgorgers, that act as screening and shock-troopers. Adding another unit of Bloodgorgers could be interesting, but then I would have to borrow them somewhere, and I could only have Death Ward up on one unit anyway.

Time to think up some new shenanigans...

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