
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Christmas Engine

Duskern sent me a couple of pictures of his Christmas present arriving, in case I wanted to post them. That's some speedy delivery right there, and I don't think I've ever received an order from Asgaard Games that fast.


  1. Speedy delivery isn't usually their thing ^^ I thought I was in good time when I ordered eDenny 3 weeks before the masters along with a Army Transport bag and some trays. Didn't get eDenny in time, so had to borrow one from a friend. Got her like 2 weeks after the masters, and the Army Transport just arrived a couple of weeks ago :O It was not entirely their fault, but still pretty lame /: I will be sending you some more pictures when I open the box itself, and I'm thinking some WIP pics would be nice as well, when i get to work on assembly and painting :)

  2. Got a look at the contents of the box the other day, but forgot to take pictures. It seems like I'll have to find a guide on assembling this guy (but kinda figured that anyway), since most of the resin parts seems to fit terrible /: I will most likely have to use a lot of green stuff, but hopefully I'll live :)

  3. Resin models: Forged in bitter hatred, and quenched in the tears of frustrated gamers around the world :D

  4. Hehehe, this is actually my first, but what a terrible first it is ;)

  5. I did however figure out a cool base design for it's enormous base. I'm thinking some kind of old crumbling Orgoth temple ^^

  6. I've been working a bit on getting the big guy cleaned and ready for assembly with a friend. It's not a perfect fit all over, but it does actually fit a lot better than I thought when I first took a look at him. It's still going to need some green stuff here and there, but nothing to scary ^^ I'll do some WIP pics when I get the chance ;)

  7. As to play testing the thing. I'm planning to do some tests with the eDenny list i posted somewhere, as well as Scaverous, just for starters. I will try to figure out other interesting lists to use it in, synergies with other models and so on, but I think I will concentrate on those two for starters, until I get an idea on how to use the thing :)

  8. I have started my studies of the Wraith Engine. I have only played two games and in the first one with Scaverous, the WE didn't really do anything. I have revised my eDenny list to include two of them now, as I think that might help me learn about it better. The list is as follows:

    Wraith Witch Deneghra +6 points
    * 2x Deathripper 4 points each
    * Skarlock Thrall 2 points

    Bane Lord Tartarus 4 points
    10 Bane Thralls 8 points
    * Bane Thrall Officer & Standard 3 points
    6 Bile Thralls 5 points
    Machine Wraith 1 point
    Warwitch Siren 2 points
    Withershadow Combine 5 points
    Wraith Engine 9 points
    Wraith Engine 9 points

    It actually did quite ok in my first game with this list, even though I lost, and I did learn a thing or two about running the WE :)

  9. That's fantastic. I read your report on the forums, and not failing completely should be considered a win with that thing :D

  10. It actually was a really good game. Seeing them not fail completely really made me wanting for more :) I like running them in pairs atm, as they can give the +2 ARM bonus to each other. They have quite good threat range, so its not that big a deal to deploy them on one flank. I will try that next, since having one on both sides really made moving the rest of the army very limited. You can really put out a lot of clouds if you want to. I did a charge on a couple of doom reavers while having 3 souls on a WE. Put out one cloud before the charge to make room for a new soul. Then killed one, and put out another, and killed the remaining one and put out three more :) Loading them with souls shouldn't be a problem using a combination of eDenny's feat, venom and biles. I will be testing this list some more as soon as I get the chance. Better deployment and a more aggressive play style should do wonders :) I'm thinking about trying to squeeze in Wrathe for Beyond Death and Death Ride, but figuring out what I should take out is tough /:

  11. I'm not sure that's legal though. I think you're restricted to placing clouds once per round?

  12. You actually can :) The wording starts with: "During this models activation, it can spend one or more soul tokens to place 3" AOE cloud effects...".
